My friend, Dallas Willard died on Wednesday, May the 8th. Dallas was a man of towering intellect but humble heart. To read one of Dallas’ books requires one’s full attention and concentration. His writings define the word deep. At the same time, I can recall times of standing on the sidewalk admiring the floats in the Pasadena Rose Parade and chatting casually about simple things. Dallas’ wife, Jane, is equally profound in her own gifts. Both have contributed greatly to countless lives.
A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to sit with Dallas and sing some hymns. It was a sacred moment that I will treasure. It is especially meaningful know that Dallas is singing at the Throne. As my father would say, “Dallas caught a glimpse of heaven, and it took his breath away.”
If you are interested in thinking deeply, read one of Dallas’ great books. He has left a legacy of a life well lived.